'My Intermittent Fasting Journey- DAY 6 (THANKS FLEDGE FITNESS)'

'My Intermittent Fasting Journey- DAY 6 (THANKS FLEDGE FITNESS)'
06:47 May 19, 2023
'December 2, 2018  Well, just like that I am six days into my intermittent fast. The first six days were easier that I thought they would be. In fact, I am confident I have found a program I can stick with for a while.  If you are considering intermittent fasting you will find value in this video.  I would like to thank the folks at Fledge Fitness for putting up such helpful content on intermittent fasting. I have learned a lot from their channel.  I look forward to sharing more of my first thirty days on this youtube channel.  Best to all of you!  Justin Paperny' 

Tags: intermittent fasting , fledge fitness , justin paperny , Is Intermittent fasting good for me? , Fledge Fitness on YouTube , is fasting good for me?

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