'Why do Astronauts Float in the Space Station? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #whatif'

03:39 Aug 22, 2023
'Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com  Why do Astronauts Float in the Space Station? Astronauts are actually in Free Fall. Let me explain. In vacuum, gravity causes all objects to fall at the same rate. For example, if we drop a feather and a rock, air will make the feather fall more slowly.  Now, if there was no air, then both would fall at the same rate. Similarly, the Space-Station, the Astronauts and the Objects are all falling around Earth.  Now, as the Astronauts and the Objects are falling together, they appear to float as compared to the Space-Station. Wait, But how is the Space-Station falling around Earth? This is because it is moving at the right speed, so that the curve of its fall matches the curve of the Earth.  Hence, the Space-Station keeps falling towards the Earth but never hits it.  Reference: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/5-8/features/nasa-knows/what-is-microgravity-58.html  Timecodes 0:00 - Why do Astronauts Float in the Space Station? 1:22 - What if we start Mining Asteroids? 2:24 - What if all the Oceans Dried up?' 

Tags: space , science , kids , school , animation , education , Learning , what , learn , children , earth , weightless , gravity , kid , astronauts , What if , cosmos , float , Atmosphere , If , aum , floating , smart learning for all , aumsum , aum sum , it's aumsum time , Secondary School (School Category) , microgravity , Why do Astronauts Float in the Space Station? , Astronauts Float , Space-Station , cosmic space , celestial space

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