'Why is Space Black? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children'

04:35 Oct 13, 2023
'Buy AumSum Merchandise: http://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com  Our sun is a huge star which emits a tremendous amount of light. However, like our sun, there are so many stars in the universe that counting them is almost impossible.  So, if there are so many stars, the space shouldn’t be black or dark, right? According to a study, the space appears black because the universe is expanding. This expansion is causing the visible light emitted by the stars to stretch out so much that when it reaches our eyes, they cannot detect it. As our eyes cannot detect any visible light, the space appears black to us. Moreover, light has a specific speed limit. So, light from far far away stars has not even reached us. Thus, the space appears black. Also, don\'t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.  Timecodes :  0:00 - Why is Space Black? 1:20 - Why do we yawn? 2:26 - What is a Cataract?  3:25 - Why do we get hiccups?' 

Tags: space , science , student , school , animation , education , black , sun , light , universe , Stars , physics , aum , smart learning for all , aumsum , aum sum , it's aumsum time , Secondary School (School Category) , Why is Space Black , color of space , why is space dark , visible light , why is space black and sky blue

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