'Story - Why standard units of measurement - The eccentric king - Part 1 - English'

'Story - Why standard units of measurement  - The eccentric king - Part 1 - English'
10:30 Oct 31, 2023
'This is part1 of a very funny story in English of a king who used to enforce crazy rules in his kingdom. A simple man, Goluram, liked this kingdom when those rules were favoring him. But one day, he got trapped in this and was falsely accused of a theft. This story helps children to appreciate the importance of measurement (consistent unit of measurement). It also helps them to learn that  proper rules and regulations are necessary for a peaceful working of the society.   The part2 of the story can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-NCL55_VPA' 

Tags: educational video , measurement , king , unit , in English , bodhaguru , science video , cbse class 6 , Short children story , how to measure length , Upper Primary class , funny educational videos , funny educational videos for children

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