'BRAIN BREAK: Fun Family Kids at Home Workout #1 // Kids Fun Fitness Video // No Equipment'

'BRAIN BREAK: Fun Family Kids at Home Workout #1 // Kids Fun Fitness Video // No Equipment'
12:02 May 5, 2021
'In this BRAIN BREAK all ages fun family kids at home workout // kids fun fitness video we\'re going to get active and have fun! You won\'t need any equipment other than your awesome self, so get ready to work out and have fun! This is the first in a series of kids at home workout videos which get much better in terms of editing in the more recent videos. Check them out here in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLys9y9WhIsIMWIJ6Ztt8kU4tuitfCeprw  **Monsieur Steve Merch: https://monsieursteve1.bigcartel.com/  Check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/MonsieurSteve I TRULY appreciate any support you\'re willing & able to provide!  

Tags: at home workout , brain break , family fitness workouts , all ages fitness , all ages kids at home workout , kids fun fitness video , no equipment workout for kids , fun fitness video , at home fun kids workout , funny kids fitness video , fun fitness video for kids , fun fitness video for all ages , fun family fitness video , fun family at home workout video , activities for active kids , healthy childhood activities , fun fitness games for kids and families , fun family workout ideas

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