'How to run faster for rugby 7s (Speed Drills & Hill Sprints) | 7s Fit 1 | This is 7s Ep5.'

'How to run faster for rugby 7s (Speed Drills & Hill Sprints) | 7s Fit 1 | This is 7s Ep5.'
04:40 Jan 19, 2022
'Improve your speed with these drills and hill sprint session.  If you want to stay up-to-date with the newest videos from This is 7s then please subscribe to the channel.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtyPYfH9hjBX4TKVIyTxhnw?view_as=subscriber 0:00 - Intro  00:33 - Warm Up  00:48 - Speed Drills  03:19 - Hill Sprints   Follow me on Instagram & Twitter to see what I’m up to: https://www.instagram.com/luketreharne/?hl=en https://twitter.com/luketreharne?lang=en  You can also find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thisis7s' 

Tags: speed , tips , SPORTS , Professional , skills , running , learn , coaching , hill , rugby , drills , This , is , rugbytraining , 7S , sevens , forrugby , rugbydrills , Rugby7s , Svens , LukeTreharne , Treharne , Thisis7s , Rugbyunion , Rugbycoaching , Rugbyplayer , howtorunfaster , howrunfaster , howrunfasterrugby , speeddrills , hillsprints

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