'[inspiring / educational] BOARDING EDUCATION: Russia Military School - ILLUSTRATIVE VID'

02:37 Feb 3, 2021
'ILLUSTRATIVE VIDEO CLIP: BOARDING EDUCATION: Russia Military School . Q: What is this Russian elite military school for boys doing right, and what is it doing wrong? how does it compare to its Western counterparts?   . A: Wrong perspective from which to pose questions.  Whether a boarding school with a defined purpose is doing it right is to be judged by whether the graduates actually make the country better.   . Different schools have different goals: 1. that one seeks to raise future military leaders with the virtues, habits and skills--by all indications, they are producing precisely that;  2. most \"elite\" boarding schools in America were founded as \"feeder\" prep schools, i.e. to prepare their graduates for admission into specific elite universities--again: by all indications, they are producing precisely that;  3. in every Broken Country, the \"elite\" schools admit and produce the country\'s elite--yet again, that is precisely what they produce.  . But whether such graduates end up actually doing good for their country is--again, by all indications--questionable:  [ ✘ ] in America, one such \"elite\" school produced the senior State Department senior official whose wiretapped telephone conversation caught her cursing her European counterparts like a street thug;  [ ✘ ] the same \"elite\" school recently reported to have had teachers who across decades had sexual relations with pupils, some outright raping them--with full knowledge of the school which covered it up.  . In Broken Countries, the graduates of such \"elite\" schools are just as often the most corrupt and the most morally-depraved among its public leaders.  One Filipino Senator--product of a Jesuit education and the religious university\'s Law School--did not even know Voltaire, and was unbothered by the faux pas on camera during a Senate hearing.  Nor are its leaders who have degrees from America\'s Ivy League.  . _____  . RELEVANCE TO THE HERALD INSTITUTE: If Broken Country institutions--many centuries-old, some even predating the country\'s Independence--have the structure and the name, but not the content, then no wonder the country produces no Statesmen.  (No, Statist political profiteers are not the same thing.)  . Therefore no wonder there is nobody to run functioning institutions, and nobody to fix that Broken Country.  . Thus the compelling and urgent need for some institution which will actually produce Statesmen--run via proven methods, and run by individuals with a track record of success.  As we repeatedly articulate, it need not be The Herald Institute, but something akin to it needs to come into existence--it is literally the only hope for any Broken Country.   . __________  . View other Illustrative Video Clips explaining concepts which are fundamental to Statesmanship and to the mission of THE HERALD INSTITUTE--either here in our Official YouTube Channel HERALD INSTITUTE MEDIA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv74d4bs05kfMVemBcsTbbQ, or in our Official Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pg/heraldinstitute/videos/. Or visit us at http://www.heraldinstitute.org.' 

Tags: school , transformation , private , The , education , foundation , hba , sex abuse , college , russia , system , Westminster , national , value , republic , country , public , rugby , academy , Institute , phillips , elite , Winchester , broken , damaged , harrow , boarding , eton , Herald , HIF , paradigm , statesman , statesmen , statesmanship , harrow-on-the-hill , radley , kiski , elite military school , choate , rosemany , victoria nuland

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