'285x1 Smith machine press at Planet fitness.'

'285x1 Smith machine press at Planet fitness.'
00:22 Mar 21, 2022
'New PR I\'m slowly creeping up to the 300 pound mark.  Bench press progression   Two sets of 135 pounds for 10 reps.  One set of 155 pounds for 9 reps.  one set of 185 pounds for 8 reps.  One set 225 pounds for 5 reps.  One set of 245 pounds for 3 reps.  One set of 275 pounds for 1 rep.  One set of 285 pounds for 1 rep.  SLINGSHOT Sets. Two sets 295 pounds for two reps.  One set of 315 pounds for one rep.  Dropset 150 pounds(Three 25 pound plates of each end.)  150 pounds for 10 reps. 100 pounds for 15 reps. 50 pounds for 20 reps.' 

Tags: bodybuilding , Bodybuilding.com , weight training , powerlifting , Planet fitness , pr , Heavy bench press , mark bell , Heavy bench press at Planet Fitness , Serious Workout at Planet Fitness , Mark Bell's Gangsta wraps

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