'Dumbbell: Rotating Bicep Curl by Rebecca Blankfield'

'Dumbbell:  Rotating Bicep Curl by Rebecca Blankfield'
01:51 Apr 10, 2022
'The rotating bicep curl is combination of a Hammer Grip Bicep Curl and a Supine curl.      The Supine grip isolates the biceps brachii, while turning the palms inward in a Hammer grip, transfers the load to the forearm brachioradialis  up through  the brachialis giving more lateral dimension.   To do a rotating bicep curl, begin with arms fully extended, at your sides, and your palms facing inwards in a hammer grip.     About ½ way up the contraction, rotate the wrists outward into a supine grip and continue to bring the weight to your shoulders.    Then lower the weights rotating back to a hammer curl grip about ½ way down and return to your starting position.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , exercise , weight , Health , bodybuilding , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , muscles , training , Bodybuilder , Biceps (Muscle) , Biceps Curl

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