Cool Weapons That 80s Kids Loved!

Cool Weapons That 80s Kids Loved!
07:20 Sep 24, 2020
Cool Weapons 80s Kids Loved!  Remember Ninja Stars, the Rambo Knife, or switchblade combs??  Just some of the cool weapons we loved as kids.  Danger was our middle name in the 80s and nothing beats watching 80s Ninja movies and then acting them out as a Kid!  80s kids had more fun and lived life more carefree!    In this episode, we talk about and do a show and tell of some of the cool weapons that us 80s kids really loved growing up.  ---   

Tags: weapons , 80s kids , RETRO CRUNCH , best of the 80s , Cool Weapons That 80s Kids Loved , 80s kids loved , cool weapons of the 80s , cool weapons kids love , the 80s weapons , 80s weapons , cool weapons , chinese star , 80s ninja , ninja weapons , ninja star , RETRO news , throwing star , rambo knife , rambo ii , slingshot , 80s sword , 1980s weapons , cool weapons to make at home easy , rambo iii , 80s ninja craze , nostalgia news , growing up in the 80s , living in the 80s , best 80s weapons

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