'Pabda Fish Curry For Autistic Kids, Old Age Poor & Disabled People - Delicious Butter Catfish Recipe'

'Pabda Fish Curry For Autistic Kids, Old Age Poor & Disabled People - Delicious Butter Catfish Recipe'
14:07 Mar 22, 2021
'Tasty Pabda/butter catfish curry cooking by 70+ years old 3 brothers grandpa for Autistic kids, old age poor & disabled people of village community.  This time grand collect fresh & alive pabda fish from market and cooking for unfortunate people of society.  If you want to donate for this cause then please check pin comment.  We have bought today about 210 pieces of big size pabda fish and every packet we give 3 pieces of pabda fish.  After finish cooking 3 brothers grandpa eating together and make packet of food and then they visit river area and find unfortunate people house and give them precious food.  Please like grandpa\'s page \"Village Grandpa\'s Cooking\" In facebook to get regular video update. Thank you.' 

Tags: fish curry , butter catfish recipe , bengali fish curry , food for poor people , grandpa cooking , village grandpa cooking , food for autistic kids , food for disabled people , food for old age people , pabda fish , butter catfish , pabda fish recipe , pabda recipe , pabda curry recipe , Fish recipe of grandpa , fish curry recipe of grandpa , Traditional fish recipe , Bangladeshi village food , delicious fish curry recipe

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