'Have a Blast Learning How To \"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle\" with Your Kids'

03:59 Mar 16
'I don\'t know about your family, but with five of us we seem to produce an awful lot of trash!  So when we were thinking about the next theme for our BabbaBox, we thought it would be cool to do something related to recycling.  In addition to a totally adorable book, you\'ll create your own reusable lunch bag thanks to our friends at Itzy Ritzy.  Plus learn how to recycle paper, and even recycle our BabbaBox thanks to a super cool Makedo Kit we included!  Visit www.babbaco.com/shop to learn more about the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle BabbaBox and all our other super fun activity boxes.' 

Tags: recycle , reuse , recycling , reduce , make do , BabbaCo , BabbaBox , Mabels Labels , Itzy Ritzy

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