'YouTube Kids Winter App Update 2015'

02:47 Mar 26
'I recieved email notification of the update through my partnership with the YouTube Kids team. I am excited to share my kids reactions to the update.  Update your YouTube Kids apps, because you can now:  Customize your initial homescreen by picking the best content for your child, choosing between preschool, school aged or a mixed selection of videos.  Easily find your favorite videos to re-watch in the new “Watch It Again” tab - sure to be a toddler favorite, so you can watch that video again, and again…. and again!  Follow SARAH MOCK on other social media channels:  Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/howipinchapenny Twitter: twitter.com/HowIPinchAPenny Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HowIPinchAPenny Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/howipinchapenny Instagram: http://instagram.com/howipinchapenny Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HowIPinchAPenny LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahmock1/ Curious: https://curious.com/howipinchapenny  VISIT HOWIPINCHAPENNY.com FOR TONS MORE FUN FRUGAL FAMILY IDEAS http://www.howipinchapenny.com' 

Tags: #youtubekids

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