'Fitness App for Kids!'

'Fitness App for Kids!'
01:22 May 1, 2021
'The surface fitness app is created for you to move and interact on all surfaces. To bring you together with your friends, with your family, with your community – to engage your body and engage your mind while gaining points and achieving badges along the way!  Features:   -An interactive map with exercises at various locations/surfaces -One minute workout videos at each location to keep children and adults moving each day -Earn one point for every exercise video you complete -Earn one point for suggesting a location that we add to the app -Earn one point for sharing with friends if they download the app -Earn badges for different levels of points gained -Our Mission Nutrition board to learn about a new healthy food each week and recipe the whole family can make!  Download the app today!   There is always a surface to move on!' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , nutrition , squats , warm up , kids fitness , jumping jacks , lunges , push ups , Fitness App , healthy living , Healthy Foods , app for kids , fitness game , fitness app for kids

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