'Barbell hip bridges: a superior glute max exercise'

'Barbell hip bridges: a superior glute max exercise'
01:04 Feb 9, 2022
'I never liked calling this exercise \"hip thrusts\", because that implies an explosive speed is preferred. Why not take advantage of a spectrum of speeds? Lifting with a controlled speed ensures that you are contracting at each joint angle, and not just relying on inertia to get through the range. It also means less weight is required to fatigue the glutes. Is your goal to put a certain weight on the bar, or to fully stimulate your glutes? Remember, this is bodybuilding, not ego building.' 

Tags: strength training , push ups , lower body , functional training , CHELSEA , core stability , butt exercise , press ups , sports performance , glute exercise , Brazilian butt , harbour club , ValSlide , London gym , BodyOpt , Scott White , london personal training

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