'Fun Rugby Exercises Games Drills Training mini rugby at home. Click description to find workout list'

22:36 Apr 21, 2022
'Made during lockdown for our minis team to do a workout to improve rugby fitness. Have fun with it!  Contains fun exercises to do with your child or brother or sister or friend centered around the breakdown or contact area.  These exercises will help to make your body stronger in the tackle, ruck, maul and when you carry the ball.   Watch the video before doing the workout to learn technique and the flow of the exercises. Just click on the time below under the title of each exercise below to jump straight to it for examples.   1. Warm up, do 10 shuttle runs, hit floor and jackal. Time: 6:26 2. Jump the plank 5 times ten burpee - finish with a Jackal, 3 sets. Time: 8:03 3. Jump the plank, crawl under - finish with a Jackal.  3 sets. Time: 9:02 4. Prawns on your back x 3 sets. Time: 10:06 5. Prawns on your front x 3 sets. Time: 10:53 6. 5 sit ups then Jackal x 3 sets. Time: 12:05 7. Bear crawl wrestle x 10. Time: 13:53 8. Rock, paper, scissors then compete! Lose does a press up first. Time: 15:10 9. Sumo wrestle then Jackal for 3 minutes. Time: 16:16 10. Flipping the turtle then Jackal for 2 minutes. Time: 17:27 11. Shuttle run, roll, present long. Jackaler steals. x 10 times. Time: 17:57 11. Pin them down! Spend 2 minutes each. Time: 18:54 12. 4 burpees, Smash the glass, step over and drive. 1 minute non stop then swap over x 3 sets. Time: 21:21  Thanks for watching. Please like, share and subscribe for more content.' 

Tags: lockdown workout , fun exercise for kids , rugby drills , Mini rugby , rucking drills , rucking drills for mini rugby , rucking drills for kids , junior rugby fitness , rugby core drills

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