'Cheap Homemade Protein Bars Better Than the Store'

'Cheap Homemade Protein Bars Better Than the Store'
05:30 Apr 27, 2022
'GET MY NEW FITNESS COOKBOOK HERE! ► http://bit.ly/mkufcshop Free audiobook:  http://audible.com/mkf Sweet-it:  http://www.mysweetit.com/ ► MyProtein (US) 15% off discount code \"KORY15\": http://bit.ly/mpusmk ► Ape Athletics 10% off discount code \"KORY\":  http://bit.ly/mkapeathletics ► Fitness Cookbook:  http://bit.ly/completecookbook  This is a very popular recipe for some homemade protein bars.  They taste better than the expensive ones you can get at the store, too.  There are tons of variations of this recipe online and here on YouTube.  Here are two more:  Buff Dudes\' version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pZrC_hI07s Diet Kitchen\'s version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja30xjHyCfI  APE ATHLETICS - Enter \"KORY\" for 10% off http://bit.ly/mkapeathletics  FITNESS COOKBOOK http://bit.ly/completecookbook  MYPROTEIN (US) - Enter \"KORY15\" for 15% off http://bit.ly/mpusmk  MYPROTEIN (UK) - Enter \"KORY10\" for 10% off http://bit.ly/mpukmk  ANI FOOTWEAR - Enter \"mkory\" for 10% off http://www.anibrand.com/  FITNESS COOKBOOK http://bit.ly/completecookbook  MYPROTEIN (US) - Enter \"KORY15\" for 15% off http://bit.ly/mpusmk  MYPROTEIN (UK) - Enter \"KORY10\" for 10% off http://bit.ly/mpukmk  RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS ► http://bit.ly/mkfastore ● Workout Log:  http://bit.ly/workoutlogmk ● Bluetooth Gym Headphones:  http://bit.ly/headphonesmk  Facebook: http://fb.com/michaelkoryofficial Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/michaelkory Instagram:  http://instagram.com/michaelkory Website:  http://michaelkory.com Tumblr:  http://michaelkory.tumblr.com Google+:  https://plus.google.com/+michaelkory  SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS ►  http://bit.ly/subscribemk  Recipe videos:  http://bit.ly/recipesmk Workout videos:  http://bit.ly/workoutsmk Email newsletter:  http://bit.ly/michaelkoryemail  http://youtube.com/michaelkoryfitness' 

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