'Foods For Kidney Health'

'Foods For Kidney Health'
01:59 Feb 28, 2021
'#Kidney#FoodsforKidney#KidneyHealth  Foods For Kidney Health  Red bell peppers -Red bell peppers have the highest concentration of vitamin C amongst its green, yellow and orange cousins. Vitamin C is a potent water –soluble antioxidant. The body uses vitamin C in collagen synthesis, the primary structural protein used to maintain the integrity of our skin and blood vessels. Red bell peppers are also good source of vitamin A, Vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. It is low potassium and fat.  Cauliflower -Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is rich in Vitamin C and manganese, two more conventional antioxidants, as well as an array of phytonutrients that all help combat oxidative stress.  Both is anti-inflammatory and cardio vascular health benefits are delivered from the rich vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids and glucoraphanin content.   Raspberries -Like its berry cousins, are full  of phytonutrients that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Raspberries provide these in significant amounts that effectively protect us against the dangers of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Most notable of these phytonutrients is ellagic acid, and inflammatory compound  which has been shown to reduced unwanted and excessive inflammation by inhibiting the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes. Raspberries are also rich sources of vitamin C, another potent antioxidant that helps the body fight against infections .This is particularly helpful for dialysis patients that have immunocompromised immune system. A 100-gram serving of raspberries contains 26.2 mg or 47% the daily recommended intake of vitamin C.  Strawberries  -might be one of the most commonly eaten foods but their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities are quite exceptional. Strawberries contain polyphenols, most notable of which are anthocyanin and quercetin. Anthocyanin\'s give strawberries their rich red hue and have shown to help reduce the risk of heart attack. Quercetin is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps reduce risk of atheroscirocies. Strawberries are also excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin C and manganese as well as fiber.  Apples  -Are known to be beneficial to cardiovascular health and this is attributed to two apple nutrients. Its significant polyphenol and water-soluble fiber content. Apples polyphenols function as antioxidants and They have amazing ability to limit the oxidation of fats. The oxidation of fats that line the blood vessels is a Major risk factor for atherosclerosis and other heart problems. Together with pectin, a type of water-soluble fiber found in apples, the cardiovascular benefits of apples Increases by lowering blood cholesterol levels.  Cabbages  -Are actually members of the cruciferous family, which known  to be Chock full of beneficial nutrients. Cabbage contains vitamin C, manganese and polyphenols which are powerful Antioxidants. Red cabbage contains the polyphenol anthocyanin, a compound that gives red cabbage its rich Hue. It has also been shown to suppress inflammation, a major risk factor for the  development of heart disease. Cabbage is also a good source of vitamin K, vitamin B6, folic acid, and fiber. It is low in potassium, so it makes a perfect addition to the renal diet.  Wild blueberries  -Have the highest total antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruits  with conventionally grown blueberries coming in second. The fruits contain a significant amount of antioxidants, most prominent of which are Anthocyanin, the compound which gives fruits and vegetables their rich blue, purple and red colors. The antioxidant defenses of blueberries have long been associated with cardio vascular health.   Cranberries  -Are rich in phytonutrients that have proven antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer Properties. They have also been used against urinary tract infection thanks to their proanthocyanin Content, which acts as a barrier and prevents bacteria from attaching onto the urinary tract.   Fish -Fish is a good source of quality protein as well as anti-inflammatory fats called omega-3 fatty acids. Inflammation in the body can damage blood vessels and lead heart disease.  Onions -Contain a highest concentration of polyphenols amongst other allium vegetables. Its hallmark Antioxidant, quercetin, provides anti-inflammatory benefits by preventing the oxidation of fatty acids In the body.   Eggs  -Are complete protein foods and provide a wide array of nutrients beneficial  for the brain, heart and immune system.   Music credit t: https://www.bensound.com' 

Tags: cauliflower , healthy foods for kidney stones , best food for kidney health , Healthy foods for kidney , kidney health care , Healthy Foods for Kidney Disease , red bell pepper for kidney , healthy foods for kidney problems , raspberries for kidney , strawberry for kidney , apples for kidney , fruits to eat for kidney , best vegetables for kidney , cranberries for kidney , cherries and grapes for kidney , fish and onions foods for kidney health , eggs for kidney , health tips for kidney care

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