07:20 Mar 7, 2021
'When it comes to your diet, unless you know you suffer from poor kidney health, it\'s likely you\'re not really thinking about which specific foods are good or bad for the two renal system organs. And even if you suffer from kidney disease, failure, or other kidney issues, you may not be aware of or adhere to a proper every day, best renal diet. While the strictness of your meal plan depends on the stage of your kidney disease, it\'s important to understand what you should and shouldn\'t put in your body to bolster kidney health, or a kidney cleanse, if you will.  #amazingworldtrueblue #thebestandworstfoodsforyourkidneys  #kidneys #healthanddiet #bannan    If you\'re looking to improve your overall kidney health, it\'s important to limit your fluid intake. \"This is because damaged kidneys do not get rid of extra fluid as well as they should. Too much fluid in your body can be dangerous,\" \"It can cause high blood pressure, swelling, and heart failure. Extra fluid can also build up around your lungs and make it hard to breathe.\" It\'s also important to cut out high phosphorus foods, which are often limited for those with chronic kidney disease \"because hemodialysis removes only a small amount of phosphorus from the blood,\" Bannan says. \"When phosphorus levels in the blood get too high, it can increase the risk of developing complications such as weak and brittle bones and calcium deposits in blood vessels and organs.\"  Edited and uploaded by : Amazing World aka Amazing World True Blue' 
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