'Happy birthday, cumpleaños feliz, Helping your children learn Spanish'

'Happy birthday, cumpleaños feliz, Helping your children learn Spanish'
01:27 Sep 10, 2022
'Singing with your children could be a good way to learn spanish easily. This is a typical spanish child song video. You can activate subtitles (cc) and follow the lyrics Click on the link below to listen \'Tengo una vaca lechera\' in spanish: ➡https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOSbFALUMIU  We also offer traditional karaoke song \'Feliz cumpleaños\': ➡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIUd3ylEWCs  Subscribe to our channel and receive our latest news in your email: http://ow.ly/vkViZ  Fb - https://www.facebook.com/guiainfantilcom/ Tw - http://twitter.com/guiainfantil Pint -  https://www.pinterest.es/guiainfantilcom/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/guiainfantilcom/  Guiainfantil is a digital magazine and a video channel with exclusive content for parents and children, both educational and entertainment. Pregnancy, Babies, Health, Education, Leisure, Food and Recipes. We believe in the family and together we can raise happier children and parents.' 

Tags: funny , kids , friends , Party , songs , CRAZY , children , parents , happy , sing , witch , birthday , Children's Song , spanish , child song , Happy Birthday , learn spanish , learn language , learning spanish , congratulations , study spanish , spanish online , #isFamilyFriendly , isfamilyfriendly , cumpleaños feliz , spanish to english , speakspanish , lessons in spanish , good moments

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