'How to Motivate Kids? Use Bouncy Balls! | Camarillo, CA Boys & Girls Club'

'How to Motivate Kids? Use Bouncy Balls! | Camarillo, CA Boys & Girls Club'
02:08 Apr 5, 2021
'How do I motivate young kids?!?!   Motivating kids is hard, mostly because they just want to play! Well... what if I told you, you can do both at the same time?! Bouncy Balls can teach great lessons, and be a lot of fun in the mean time.   The first half of this video is having fun with bouncy balls, and the second half will show you how a bouncy ball can change your perspective on life.   This video was shot at the Camarillo, CA Boys & Girls Club.    QUICK PLUG! If you shop on Amazon you can support MOTION IMPACT for *FREE* by shopping with our Amazon Smile link: https://smile.amazon.com/ref=smi_ext_...  See how you can easily save this link as a bookmark here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGn8kbllCS4  ...And if you shop on your phone you can upgrade your Amazon App in 60 seconds!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHlUkU7fybA   Don\'t forget to add some more positivity to your life by checking out MOTION IMPACT on your other feeds!  Instagram: @filaforreal | @motion.impact  Facebook: Ryan Fila | MOTION IMPACT  Twitter: @filaforreal | @motionimpact17  LinkedIn: Ryan Fila | MOTION IMPACT  Tik Tok: @filafor.real  Snap Chat: filaforreal  Check out the movement online: motionimpact.org' 

Tags: motivational speaker , Boys and Girls Club , motivating kids , motivate your kids , How do i motivate young kids , how to motivate young kids , bouncy ball lessons , camarillo california boys and girls club , how to motivate the youth , motivating kids in southern california , teaching with bouncy balls , motivating kids to do their best , are boys and girls clubs fun? , learning lessons with motion impact , life isn't fair motivation , Why was I born into this family? , how to motivate kids?

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