Antonio Brown Makes a Dream Come True for Ryan

04:59 Oct 17, 2020
Ryan is a 13-year-old from Monroe, NC, who loves to play football and basketball. His mother describes Ryan as “a strong and resilient young man who has experienced and witnessed a lot in his 13 years.” As a result of some very difficult times in his life, Ryan has been diagnosed with a life-altering condition with an adjustment disorder.   One in five children are affected by mental health problems and although some might think that mental health illnesses only occur in adults, the truth is it affects children and adolescents as well.   Dream Kid Ryan battles this "invisible disability" every day but he has some amazing people in his corner to help him overcome the challenges that come his way. Ryan's mom says "he has shown courage in a time of adversity in his life. He is a young man with a determination to beat the odds.”  Learn more about Ryan at  Video by Wheelhouse Foundation, 

Tags: mental health , NFL , Antonio Brown , charlotte , ben roethlisberger , Pittsburg Steelers , childhood mental health , invisiable disability , Steelers fan , make a wish , break the stigma , Steelers family , steelers pride , steel city , go steelers

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