'How To Do Dumbbell Alternate Incline Hammer Curl | Exercise Demo'

'How To Do Dumbbell Alternate Incline Hammer Curl | Exercise Demo'
00:45 Feb 21, 2022
'Starting Position: - Sit on the bench with your feet positioned flat to the floor. - Lean down and grip the dumbbells with a neutral grip, and carefully lift them as you sit back up. - They should be suspended at either side of you.  - Ensure that your back is straight, your shoulders are back, and that your head is in line with your spine.   Execution: - Engage your core, and inhale before beginning the exercise.  - Exhaling as you do so, curl one of the dumbbells upwards until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. Keep a neutral grip throughout this phase.  Hold this position for two seconds, and inhale.  Exhale as you bring the dumbbell back down into the starting position, remembering to keep a slight bend in your arms.  Repeat the exercise with alternating arms.  Common Mistakes to Avoid:  - Curling too fast. Many people perform this exercise too quickly when they are using dumbbells that are too light for them. Switch to a set of heavier dumbbells to make the exercise more challenging, and always ensure that you are moving in a slow and controlled manner. This is one of the more difficult bicep curl exercises, so you should focus on your form.   - Swinging the dumbbells. Like with the above point, if the dumbbells that you are using are too heavy, this will likely result in you swinging them throughout the movement. You should ensure that you are not using momentum to complete repetitions, and instead pick a weight that allows you to perform the exercise correctly.  - Moving the elbows. If your elbows tend to float out to your sides during the exercise, you should pay particular attention to quashing this habit. You should keep your elbows locked in at your sides in a stable position at all times to maintain focus on the biceps, and to avoid injury.   Benefits of this Exercise:  - The hammer version of the incline curl hits the long head of the bicep, thanks to the change in grip. It is therefore one of the best bicep building exercises for men who are looking to change up their workout routine and avoid hitting a plateau in their training.  - Wrist stability is another added benefit that this exercise brings to the table. The muscles surrounding the wrist are improved due to the fact that the wrist remains in a neutral position whilst executing this exercise, and this in turn is good for improving overall grip strength.' 

Tags: biceps , bicep exercises , Dumbbell , hammer curls , Dumbbell Alternate Incline Hammer Curl , how to do dumbbell alternate incline hammer curl , incline hammer curl , how to do incline hammer curl , how to do alternating incline hammer curls

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